SceneSafe were established to support the UK Criminal Justice System under the guidance of the FSS. We have developed a comprehensive range of training services offered to both UK & International Police Services.
The training programs within our core range are designed with a modular syllabus and therefore can be tailored to meet the exact needs of the customer. Our training programs can be provided to all skill levels from beginner to advanced and meet quality standards for today's practitioners.
Through our philosophy of total quality, continuous improvement and teamwork we endeavour to provide the highest standard of service to our customers.
Click here to learn more about our Training capabilities.
Sexual Assault Forensic Enablement
Our SAFE program is being rolled out globally and is a full sexual assault program designed to train, equip and focus on the forensic medical examination process to allow a complete focus on this sensitive yet highly prolific area of crime.
The SAFE program enables all countries to develop their sexual crime response capability and SceneSafe can tailor the program to target key areas to ensure that a structured systematic approach can be gained to aid criminal investigation in this area.
Through a consultative approach we are able to analyse and provide recommendations for improvement whether this be through a customs examination kit change or a full turnkey medical examination facility. SceneSafe have pioneered this area of forensic science under the FSS and still are leaders in this field.
DNA Swab Perf Bag opening - A15106
Please see here a video demonstration of the correct and incorrect ways to open a DNA Swab bag.