SceneSafe is proud to introduce their latest product in Crime Scene Preservation; the ETO treated, certified, single use, 3m x 3m x 3m disposable tent cover. Used in conjunction with the lightweight, highly portable, compact 40 aluminium frame the disposable tent cover is a game changer in forensic tenting and scene preservation. Designed in-house in conjunction with Gala Tent this 5kg cover is completely unique in its design and installation.
Each cover is ETO treated and certified as being denatured of DNA, in-line with ISO 18385:2016, giving great peace of mind to crime scene co-coordinators/managers that the main product they are using to preserve their scene is not going to add contamination from other scenes. Each cover has a blue coloured body with white roof. Each of the 4 corners contains a full length, floor to roof, detachable zip that can be utilized to connect multiple tent covers and frames to create a larger preserved area such as vehicles or stretches of land.
Due to its one use design there is no need to pay to have it “Forensically Cleaned” as is the current norm with scene tents. This not only saves money, but also means you do not lose your existing tenting whilst it is being cleaned and dried, which in some instances can take several days.